Don't Miss the Lights

A little before Christmas my husband and I went for an evening drive. As we drove down quiet streets we talked about various stressful circumstances. It’s great to be able to share openly like that but I realized after a while that I hadn’t even noticed the Christmas lights strung through bushes and trees and lining roofs. My husband turned the car around and we went back down those same streets and this time I paid attention. I couldn’t believe I’d missed this one yard in particular that had so many colorful lights! It’s incredible how much beauty I miss if I’m not intentionally looking for it. 

It felt like a warning to my distracted and weary heart. Not an angry warning but a gentle one. Like God was reminding me that if I look for beauty I’ll find it, and with it a gift of peace. 

We’re a month into the new year now and advent—that season of waiting and watching—is past. But every season has requires a lot of waiting and watching, doesn’t it? So often, life moves quickly and with it comes a steady stream of distractions. It’s easy to miss the lights! But the truth is that nothing can steal the beauty that God gives. And nothing can steal the beauty of who He is

Blessings to you, in whatever season you’re in, as you look for the beauty!


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